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The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program

CANADAMcMaster University, Hamilton



Campus Location

Hamilton, Ontario

Disciplines of Study

Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Kinesiology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Astronomy, Psychology & Neuroscience

Campus Website


Language of Instruction


Course Equivalence

1 credit at McMaster = 2 ECTS credits

Mc Master University was founded in 1887 by Senator William Mc Master. The campus moved to Hamilton, Ontario in 1930.

TASSEP students can study within McMaster’s Faculty of Science. The Faculty of Engineering (which includes Computer Science) is not part of the TASSEP program.

Semester dates: Semester 1: September to December, Semester 2: January to April

Full-time course load: 9 to 15 McMaster units.

McMaster is one of only four Canadian universities consistently ranked among the top 100 in the world (Shanghai Jiaotong University Academic Ranking of World Universities, August 2016). Our research-intensive Faculty of Science, McMaster’s largest, is home to over 6700 undergraduate and graduate students working to learn about and explore the boundaries of scientific knowledge. McMaster University is consistently ranked as one of the top research universities in Canada and one of the country’s most innovative.

McMaster has over 250 cultural, academic and social issues clubs on campus with a wide variety of athletics and recreation opportunities, including the popular Outdoor Club. Our facilities house seven gymnasiums, three studios, a 50-metre pool, 200m indoor track, squash courts, an indoor climbing wall, and one of the largest university fitness centers in Canada.

Hamilton is the fourth largest city in Ontario. Situated on the Niagara escarpment, Hamilton is only 45 minutes from Toronto, Niagara Falls, and the U.S. border. McMaster is located in a residential area called Westdale Village, which provides numerous off-campus housing opportunities. Bordered by Cootes Paradise, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the shores of Lake Ontario, the campus is connected to kilometers of nature trails, biking paths, and Hamilton’s burgeoning waterfront.




Academic Advisor

Mrs. Robyn Tebbutt

Faculty of Science

Email:smithra @ mcmaster.ca


Education Abroad Coordinator

Jenna Levi


Exchange Office

International Student Services

Incoming students: macincoming @ mcmaster.ca

Outgoing students: macabroad @ mcmaster.ca




Additional Links:

Incoming Exchange - Home

Faculty of Science - Departments

McMaster Campus (Video)

Course Listing (Undergraduate & Graduate Calendar)

Class search tool




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